High-Speed Digital Imaging Techniques for Blast and Impact Measurement
A 4-day short course held at New Mexico Tech, in Socorro, New Mexico, every summer since 2014. This course focuses on optical diagnostics for high-speed explosion and impact events. The course leverages the unique capabilities and expertise of New Mexico Tech faculty and the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC).
The course includes discussions on topics including:
- Camera basics
- High-speed imaging basics
- Schlieren, shadowgraph, and background-oriented schlieren (BOS) imaging
- Flow and feature tracking
- High-strain rate testing equipment
- 2D and 3D deformation measurement techniques
- Basics of image processing and analysis of digital images, including techniques to produce background-oriented schlieren (BOS) images from high-speed digial mages as shown here.
The course also includes hands-on laboratory work for participants including field tests at EMRTC for explosive events. The hands-on demos reinforce the course material and provide practical applications of the techniques discussed. Students have the opportunity to record high-speed images of explosive events and then image process them to extract features such as shock waves and fragment motions. The image shown here is a digital streak image created by a student in the 2018 course using the techniques and images recorded during the class.
This course is sponsored by Photron USA, Correlated Solutions, Inc., and Northrop Grumman.
The 2024 course will be held on June 10-13, 2024, in Socorro, NM. For information see the fliers below or email michael.hargather@dandick.net
- Registration will be limted this year so please register early.
- View the 2024 promotional flyer.
- Download the Registration Form.
More information on the class schedule, syllabus, and attendee information please email michael.hargather@dandick.net for more details.